Friday 27 February 2009

Ordering food

URI - Hi! can I help you?

FABIÀ - Yes. can I have two hamburgers please?

URI - Anything else

FABIÀ - Yes, can I have some chips, please?

URI - Sure, anything to drink?

FABIÀ - Yes, an orange juice and a bottle of mineral water, please.

URI - That's 5,75 $, please.

FABIÀ - Here you have

URI- Thanks

Ordering food

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Comparing: The Spanish and the British royal family

In this post I'm comparing the Spanish and the British Royal family.


- In Spain the royal family lives in " El palacio de la Zarzuela" in Madrid.

- The Sp
anish king is Juan Carlos I, and the queen's name is Sofia.

- The prin ce of Spain is Felipe, and the princess is Leticia. They have two daughters: Leonor i Sofia.

- The Spanish royal family loves sport. They usually go to Madrid Stadium stadium to see a football match.


- In Britain, the royal family lives in the Buckingham palace in London.

- The Queen is Elizabeth I.

- The Queen Elizabeth has 4 children, her husband is Charles.

- Prince William and Prince Harry love an sport called polo.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Chapter IX. Weather and the season

This chapter talks about the weather and the seasons in Britain.

1- 65% of days in Britain are overcast. Overcast means dull, grey and cold.

2- When it is raining, the sey it is too wet and when it is sunny, the say its too hot.

3- Autumn is from October to January.

4- In the Met Office there are two supercomputers.

5- The winter in Britain is cold and wet

Chapter VIII. Libraries and reading

This chapter talks about the libraries and the books in Britain.

1- The BRITISH LIBRARY is one of the greatest libraries in the world.

2- In Britain, a quarter of population read each year 20 books.

3- 65% of the British population reading for pleasure as a main hobby.

4- You can watch films and television programmes at public libraries.

5- The British Library first opened in 1998.

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Chapter VII. British sports

This chapter talks about the sports British people practice.

1- Football is the national sport for most Britons.

2- Watching sport is more popular than playing a sport.

3- Britain's most famous tennis tournament is Wimbledon tournament.

4- 50% of men over 16 regularly do sport.

5- Main British people enjoy golf

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Chapter VI. Worldwide Found for Nature

This chapter talks about the Worldwide Found for Nature.

1- The Worldwide for Nature is an international conservation organization.
2- The destruction of the rainforests is a big problem.
3- In some countries, people use rhino horn for medicine.
4- There are 3000 wild rhinos in the world.
5- Every yar, several Asian wild horses go back to the grasslands of Asia