Wednesday 26 November 2008

COMPARING : Schools in Catalonia !

This is a extra chapter than I comparing British schools and Schools in Catalonia.

-Any children in Catalonia eats packed lunch.

-We haven't Green Machines.

-We eat our lunch in the school canteen.

-Students don't like the food of the canteen.

-We start school at 9:00 o'clock except Fridays , on Fridays we start at 8:30 o'clock

-The break is 30:00 minutes.

-At the registration, the class staff cheks everybody is in school and lunch.

Chapter III. School day!

This chapter talks about British school day.

1-In British school day starts at 9:00 o'clock

2-The bell rings at the end of each lesson.

3-The students have homework every day.

4-The morning break is fifteen minutes.

5-At the registration, teacher checks everybody is in school.

Chapter II. Packed lunch

This Chapter talks about healthy and the school packed lunch.

1- All children in British schools eat packed lunch
2-Green machines sell healthy snacks.
3-Most children have got money to buy snacks
4-School children eat her lunch in the school cafeteria.
5-Students enjoy the food from the green machines

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Chapter I. The Royal Family

This chapter talks about the British royal family.

1-The Queen has got four children
2-The Queen of England is queen Elizabeth the second.
3-The royal family lives in Buckingham palace
4-Prince Williams plays a sport called Polo.
5-The royal family often appears in public.